How To Find The Shoe Polish Kits That Are Best For Your Horse Boots
Shoe Polish Kits are great for both women and men who want to give their shoes a polished look. The term “shoe polish” typically refers to a liquid soap you can get at your local pharmacy or discount store. Shoe Polish Kits buff, polish and restore suede shoes with various accessories and products. Some even include travel-sized soaps, polishing cloths, brushes, and nail colorant. Let’s take a look at the various Shoe Polish Kits available:
There are basic Shoe Polish Kits available in either the deluxe or travel sizes. They come in a basic white bottle similar to those found in gels, lotions, and sprays. You can find many different brands of shoe polish kits in drug stores and discount outlets. Sometimes you can find them in the specialty shoe marts.
Basic shoe polish kits often include a cotton ball, a polishing brush, a sponge, sprayable polish, a bottle of rubbing alcohol, and instructions. They usually contain a couple of tins of shoe polish. The tins have different strengths and colors of polish. To use the kits simply wet the cotton ball and rub the cleaner into your shoes. It works the same way with other polishes.
There are also detailed instructions that come with most kits. The two best reviews I’ve seen about Shoe Polish Kits have been from consumer magazines. I purchased a kit from a magazine that has a very high standard and one I can honestly say was easy to use and the instructions were clear. The manufacturer has received favorable reviews from other consumers as well.
These shoe polish kits will usually contain two containers. One is made for the sole and another is for the wooden finishing wax. You need to read the instructions to determine how much of each to use. In general, you will want about one tablespoon of wax per container.
The basic ingredients in all shoe polish kits are wax and alcohol. You also need to use some kind of liquid detergent. The only shampoos that I’ve used that work well with these kits are those with baking soda in them. Baking soda helps clean the rubber quickly and absorbs excess moisture.
Some shoe polish kits will also include some special brushes. Sponges will usually come along with the kit. You don’t need anything fancy. The purpose of the special brushes is to apply the wax more evenly and remove any lumps or bubbles that may form during application. The sponges also help get the sides of the leather shoes covered, but you can apply them separately if preferred. If you have trouble reaching the back of your leather shoes using a sponge, just dip the end of a pair of sponges in alcohol and scrub gently on the backside of your shoes.
Shoe polish kits are really easy to use. They normally include a small bottle of their specific liquid, a small brush made of natural horsehair bristles, wax, and sponges. You mix up the wax with the alcohol and then apply it to your shoe and let it dry. Then you can simply rinse off the rest of the kit and your shoes should be like new! If you decide to purchase a kit you should make sure that it comes with the necessary brushes and sponges.
The majority of the Shoe Polish Kits that are sold online will not include a protective coat. This means that your footwear can become dull over time if it is not protected by the protective coat. You can purchase the kits that do come with a protective coat at an additional cost, however. Wooden Shoe Polish Kits typically contain one wooden brush and a plastic bottle of their specialty liquid. To add some interest to your shoes you can even personalize the bottle by painting the label.
When you select shoe polish kits that you know will give your shoes the special treatment that they deserve, you can dress up your shoes. You can select shoe care products that will help you to protect your investment as well as add some extra decoration to your shoes. Using horsehair bristle toothbrushes on wooden and rubber products is a great way to protect your shoes. Horsehair brushes will also provide some extra decoration to your shoes.
If you find that the polish has been stripped from your boots, or if you notice that the polish is chipping from frequent use then you should consider purchasing Shoe Polish Remover. Shoe Polish Remover can help to restore the shine to your boots. This is an easy-to-apply product that works to remove some of the more stubborn stains from vinyl. Once you have used the Shoe Polish Remover and you do not see the stains anymore then you are ready to purchase a new brush set. Selecting the correct brush set for your boots is important when you want to ensure the maximum protection of your investment.