Cleansing grains are an easy to use, quick cleansing face wash/moisturizer designed with natural organic ingredients like clay powder, oats, honey, ground herbs, seeds and nuts. When mixed with warm water or any other liquid, the grains become a soft, powdery paste which acts as a gentle facial cleanser. They can be used with most any skin care routine including regular cleansing, deep cleansing, toning and moisturizing. Most cleansers on the market today only clean deep up to the surface of the skin where most lotions and creams do not effectively clean the deeper layers. Cleansing grains have the ability to reach deep down to clean out all the dirty, harmful toxins from the pores in order to restore balance to the skin’s PH level and improve overall tone.
Cleansing Grains Tutorial
Cleansing grains work as a refreshing scrub for the face in order to remove any oil, makeup, dirt or grime that may accumulate throughout the day. The grains gently pull out any contaminates from the skin’s surface, allowing clean, soothing air-flow throughout the area. A simple massage before using the cleanser will allow water to deeply penetrate the cleanser, making it more effective. Cleansing grains can be used in conjunction with other organic cleansers that work to remove unwanted oils and dirt.
HOW TO: Facial Washing Grains
How to Make Cleansing Grains Mix With Oats:
To make a cleansing grains mixture, combine one tablespoon of oats (organic) and one tablespoon of dried lavender or chamomile flowers (organic). You can also substitute chamomile for the oatmeal if you prefer. Alternatively, replace the dried flowers with dried orange peel. Other organic ingredients to consider adding to the mix are: alfalfa or aloe juice, thyme oil, peppermint extract, pepper, Rosemary extract, or marjoram.
How to Use the Cleaning Grains in a Rice Cooker:
Combine one tablespoon of the cleansing grains with a quarter cup of water in a large nonstick skillet. Allow the mixture to sit and brew for approximately twenty minutes, checking occasionally to make sure that all of the ingredients are adequately mixed. Once the grain mixture is completed, add one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the pot. When the rice has finished brewing, use the entire cup of lemon juice in your recipes.
DIY Facial Cleansing Grains for Smooth & Glowing Skin
How to Use Cleansing Grains in a Hot Water Bath:
Once the cleansing grains have brewed, add them to one of three different mixtures that will have them steeped overnight. Begin by filling a shallow glass with warm water and filling a rubber or plastic tub with cool water as well. Place the mixtures in the tub and allow them to steep one at a time through the night. You can use a strainer to strain off any bits of grain or vegetable that did not become part of the drink when you finished brewing.
How to Use Cleansing Grains in a Microwave For a Foot Pedicure:
To prepare the diy cleansing grains for a foot pedicure, add four ounces of water and one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice into your microwave. Turn the power on to medium, and wait for it to heat up for approximately ten seconds. Once the timer goes off, turn your microwave back off. Since this process uses quite a small amount of ingredients, you may want to use a blender or food processor to liquefy the ingredients. Once the powder is liquefied, it can be poured into your mold.
Cleansing Grains Demo – Soft Bright Skin w/ Oatmeal & Rice
How to Use Cleansing Grains in a Facial Moisturizer:
Mix one ounce of powdered ingredients with one-quarter cup of water in a small plastic bowl. Add your fingertips to the mix to apply it to your dry skin, starting with the ends of your fingers. Leave the mixture on your face for approximately fifteen minutes before washing it off with warm water. If your facial skin is especially sensitive, you may want to use a small amount of natural oil instead of petroleum-based moisturizing products.
Cleansing Grains Recipe
How to Use Cleansing Grains in a Bath:
After your regular shower, carefully mix together one ounce of each of coarsely ground dried oats, baking soda, and cornstarch in a small bowl. Gently add this to your bathwater and carefully massage it into your body, starting at the end of your tights. Let the mixture sit for up to an hour before thoroughly rinsing with cool water. The oats will absorb some of the cleaning agent, while the baking soda and cornstarch will lightly scrub your body.